Tuesday 25 January 2011

Brother: “If anyone here doesn’t want to see the future of music, leave now.”

In a time when bands have forgotten how to stay around for more than a year or two, British music is calling out for a band that has the kahunas to stick it. I don’t want to tempt fate or jump the gun, but I’m hoping that that could just be Brother. These boys have seemed to snuck up from nowhere (aka Slough) and kind of, well, kicked some shit about music wise. Their first single “Darling Buds Of May” can only be described as an absolute belter, combining rock, indie and pop to perfection. They are very much the new face of Britpop. This band definitely seem to be sticking to the less is more formula, only seeming to have put about six songs together, yet they are all including Time Machine and New Year’s Day are far from album-fillers.

It seems to come with the territory that if you’re a Britpop band you have to come with a certain amount of swagger (or just be a pair of massive twats if you’re the Gallaghers). Brother certainly have said swagger. Just read a few quotes from an interview with NME:

“If anyone here doesn’t want to see the future of music, leave now.”

“We want to headline Glastonbury. And we will.”

“The most surprising thing to us is that all this hasn’t happened sooner.”

““We’re sick of all these American bands,” Lee sneers. “The Drums can do one. As can all those bands with beards. It’s time for a proper band with some bollocks. Hopefully other bands will follow us.””

But in all truth:

“We’re already polarising opinion massively,” says Lee. “People might think we’re arrogant, but it’s just belief. We know how amazing we are. And soon everyone else will.”

Trust me this band are pretty special and I can say that first hand after seeing them perform live just a few weeks ago. And if that isn’t good enough for you, then the mere fact that Noel Gallagher hates them and slagged them off should be enough.

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