I say sweaty because I am. Just got back from a gig in Southampton, it was New Found Glory (pretty good, sweaty and old-school), supported by Set Your Goals (pretty crappy), Four Year Strong (pretty awesome) and Crime In Stereo (also pretty crappy). We also went to a pre-party at a little pub with a couple of local bands playing, Mimi Soya (only caught the last song but seemed solid) and Lost On Landing (a favourite of mine, so I enjoyed it!). Best bits being Steve, who broke his foot about 3 weeks ago, leading us all into circle pits and loving it. As well as parking in Toys 'R' Us because it was free and then finding that they had pulled up the little metal pole things to stop people getting out. GREAT. So after a few laps of the car park, along with about 5 other cars in a similar pickle, we spotted a gap in the hedge, and after another braved it through, so did we!
I'm not really sure how often I should update this little old thing, but baring in mind the few people that read it, and didn't completly take the piss (which is very likely with certain people I know, JAKE! INE!) and then some even asked me to write it again, so here I am in bed, with my little heater warming up my room, entertaining the masses. I guess I'll try and keep it fairly regular, I imagine it'll probably be something I do just before I go to bed, much like now. So please excuse the ramblings, spelling mistakes and grammar errors (what would my A Level English Language teacher, Mr Pover, say now?!).
Another thing I was wondering was about how much information you go into in a blog. I think that I'm generally a pretty open guy about most things, and generally like talking about myself, so I doesn't bother me too much. But in a normal situation, you usually know who you are talking to, however in a blog, you're talking to anyone! I could write something I don't want my housemates to read, my best mates, ex-girlfriend (still a delicate area), parents or family. So what do I write? Nothing. Settled. I guess I just have to be a bit clever when I write it, but I obviously want to make it worth reading, interesting, so that you get to know me, what I do and what I think.
Also I think I need to get a few more people reading this (because it's obviously so great and everyone needs it in their lives, obviously...), so I'll put a link in status on Facebook. I suppose its kind of embrassing to do a blog, a bit geeky, also I'm letting a lot of people in, to a certain extent, but I guess if no one reads it it's relitively pointless.
A quick bit about my day, then I'm off to bed: Pretty much finished my CMR (Communications and Marketing Research) assignment today, and its due for Monday, aren't I good?! It's a research proposal into looking at has David Beckham's credibility as a product endorser been affected by multiple product endorsements? if you'd like to know. I'm pretty worried it's not very good, and as this year counts towards our final grade at the end of next year, I want to do well. Also had a couple of lectures and a seminar (with the fire alarm going off - a situation I always assumed would be more exciting!) and then my friend Rosannah came over for lunch, which was nice because I hadn't seen her in a while. And then I went off to the gig.
So that's me done for tonight, I'll just leave you with this video, as this song came on on the way back in the car (it was on random, and it wasn't my ipod). What a tune!