Tuesday, 24 March 2009

Boring is boring.

I seem to have lost the ability to do nothing. Having worked solidy for the last 2 months, I thought I would have a few days off before I start the dreaded CMR, and I really don't know what to do with myself.

I created a twitter account...http://twitter.com/JammyJamster
I created a last.fm account...http://www.last.fm/user/JammyJamster
I found new bands...Augustana (a mix betweent The Frey and Jack's Mannequin) and Metro Station (with a very heavily tattooed and pierced Miley Cyrus brother)
I applied to various placement places...nobody has replied.

What else am I do to? Start my CMR probably, but that can wait. So I'm just waiting for little brother to finish his interview at the Arts Institue in Bournemouth. I say little brother...

Thats Gavin on the right...
A lot of ellipses today. Anyways I'll get cracking on with being bored some more.

Sunday, 22 March 2009

Jade Goody is dead.

Surely there can be no greater event in modern history to revive my blog. Mass news coverage, an impersonal condolences from the Prime Minster and an entire edition of OK! magazine dedicated to her deem to be a fitting tribute.

Seriously? Does anyone care? It may seem as if I am being harsh, of course its sad that she has died, she was young, had kids, its a great shame. But its Jade Goody. Everybody was more than happy to call her a ignorant, stupid racist just a few months ago and now everybody is moaning her as it were their own sister, with the British press leading the hypocritical way as usual.

I havnt written this for a while due to the lack of time I've had, as well as the battering the lovely Rebecca Willmore gave my blogging skills. Lovely she is. My last few weeks have been filled with 4,500 account planning assignment, when half of my group decided to drop out of uni, leaving just two of us to do the work, however I cannot complain with 68%. Being my highest mark so far I was pleased, however every other group picking up theirs around me getting 70%+ did put abit of a dampner on events. Oh well. Then came the marketing planning and budgeting assignment on Ryanair, another cheeky 4,500. And then just 2,500 on Volvo's communications. I say just, because I was literally bullet pointing at the end. Just a rather large research project, finding a 6 week placement, revising for exams, doing the exams, doing the placement left. Then summer.

The highlight of my past few weeks of assignment pain has getting...wait for it...Michael Jackson tickets!! Getting up at 7am with my pre-sale code was worth it. Well, it wasnt, as I didn't get tickets untill 1pm, but I got them :) And my god I'm excited. I don't admite to doing a MJ nut, but I'm quite a big fan, having all of his albums and liked him since I was about 8. I hope its going to be everything it's hyped up to be, but is everything? Will he sing? Will he dance? Will he cancel? One thing is for sure though, he will entertain.