Monday, 26 March 2012

Steve Jobs: Billion Dollar Hippie

We have all read pages and pages of text on the late Steve Jobs, his stories and quotes are very much part of modern folklore. Steve Job was genuinely one of the most important people of the modern era, he has changed the way we live our lives in a very real and tangible way. Jobs was a man who, most importantly for me, understood so many different areas of the world. He understood consumers, the technology and the market and manage to blend them all seemlessly. He was a man who trusted his instincts over anyone and anything else and, more often than not, he was right. The man was a contradiction, as much of a hippie as a hardcore business man. He was a beautiful contradiction and combination.

There are few people that you can learn lessons from that are so relevant to the current world, which makes the BBC's Billion Dollar Hippie program a must-watch.

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