Thursday, 29 April 2010

3D TV in your living room. And your face.

We all know that last year was huge for 3D films. Despite my first 3D film being The Final (thank fuck) Destination, I did go on to see Avatar and Up and was suitably impressed. Whereas The Final Destination simply used gimicks that you would expect in Disneyland, Avatar and Up used 3D intelligently. It gave the films real depth and a sense of perspective allowing an audience to become much more involved in a film, and I really enjoyed this.

3D is now being thrust right into our faces in our very own living room. Samsung, amoungst others, are determined to make 3D TVs affordable and commonplace in every lounge. This seems unlikely with sets costing upwards of £1,800, however in a years time this may be more of the case. Samsung are leading the charge in getting consumers ready for the 3D experience with a couple of really nice adverts as part of a £8m campaign produced by CHI.

The first advert appears to be the focus of the campaign. In the advert transforms a city with 3D TVs as the barriers of reality and TV are blurred. Without the blur, of course. The advert really involves the viewer, better than any advert I've seen in a while, I want to be there experiencing this blurred world.

The second advert appears to more of a viral, where classic masterpieces of art are given the 3D treatment to show what is really going on. Not only is a funny advert with mass appeal, it cleverly conveys how much more 3D TV can give an audience.

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