Monday, 28 February 2011

Music Monday 41.

Foo Fighters - Rope

Here's the second full single from The Foos off their new album that is being reported to being captured on a tape recorder. Despite Rope appears to be a much cleaner sound that White Limo, but still has that growling, rustic Foos feel. Literally can't wait for this album.

Gold Panda - Marriage

A beautiful song, accompanied by a rather cute video, from Gold Panda. It's simple repetitive beat lulls you in and the subtle dub beats gives it a really interesting and unique feel.

Awolnation - Sail

Am I allowed to say that two songs in a row have a pretty unique sound? Well I'm doing so. The bass beat in this song is pretty ridiculous and doesn't hold back as the vocals scream over the top. Intriguing and intoxicating stuff.

Out Like A Lion - X Lovers

X Lovers by outlikereleases

It's good to hear something new from one of my favourite bands (who's lead singer works in the shop opposite me), having absolutely rinsed every song on their Myspace and on Youtube. They bring a great energy and feel to their tracks, keep it going boys.

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